Hemogram: Complete blood count, measures various blood components.

Sedimentation Rate: Measures inflammation in the body.

Reticulocyte Count: Indicates bone marrow function.

Peripheral Smear: Examines blood cells under a microscope.

Bleeding Time: Measures the time it takes for blood to clot.

Clotting Time: Measures the time it takes for blood to form a clot.

Prothrombin Time (PT):  Measures blood clotting ability.

APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time): Measures blood clotting ability.

Fibrinogen: Protein involved in blood clotting.

Indirect Coombs Test: Detects antibodies against red blood cells.

Hemoglobin Electrophoresis: Identifies different types of hemoglobin.

Blood Group (ABO + Rh): Determines blood type.


Glucose (Fasting):  Measures the level of glucose in the blood after fasting.

Glucose (Postprandial): Measures the level of glucose in the blood after eating.

50 Gr. Glucose Load: Used in glucose tolerance tests to assess insulin response.

75 Gr. Glucose Load: Used for diagnosing gestational diabetes.

100 Gr. Glucose Load: Used for further assessment of glucose tolerance. 

HbA1c: Reflects average blood glucose levels over the past three months.

Urea: Indicates kidney function and protein metabolism.

Creatinine: Used to assess kidney function.

Uric Acid: High levels can indicate gout or kidney stones.

AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase): Enzyme related to liver function.

ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase): Enzyme related to liver function.

ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase): Enzyme related to bile ducts, liver, and bone.

GGT (Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase): Enzyme related to liver function and bile ducts.

ACP (Acid Phosphatase): Enzyme associated with prostate health.

LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase): Enzyme involved in energy production, indicates tissue damage.

Bilirubin Total: Measures total bilirubin to assess liver function.

Bilirubin Direct: Measures direct bilirubin to assess liver function.

Cholesterol: Indicates total cholesterol level in the blood.

Triglycerides: Measures fat levels in the blood.

HDL Cholesterol:  "Good" cholesterol, protects against heart disease. 

LDL Cholesterol: "Bad" cholesterol, increases risk of heart disease.

VLDL Cholesterol: Very low-density lipoprotein, associated with higher risk of heart disease. 

Total Protein: Measures total amount of protein in the blood.

Albumin: Main protein in blood plasma, indicates liver function.

CK (Creatine Kinase):  Enzyme related to muscle and heart health.

CK-MB: Specific form of CK related to heart muscle.

Amylase: Enzyme related to pancreas function.

Lipase: Enzyme related to pancreas function.

Iron: Measures iron levels in the blood, important for red blood cells.

Iron Binding Capacity: Measures the blood's capacity to bind iron.

Ferritin: Indicates stored iron in the body.

Vitamin B12: Important for nerve function and blood cell production.

Folate B vitamin: Important for DNA synthesis and repair.

Neonatal Bilirubin: Measures bilirubin levels in newborns to assess jaundice.


Sodium (Na:) Essential for fluid balance and nerve function.

Potassium (K): Vital for heart and muscle function.  

Chloride (Cl): Helps maintain acid-base balance.

Calcium (Ca): Important for bone health, muscle contraction, and nerve signaling.

Phosphorus (P): Vital for bone and teeth formation.

Magnesium (Mg): Important for muscle and nerve function.

Zinc (Zn): Essential for immune function and wound healing.



TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone): Regulates thyroid function.

Free T3 (Triiodothyronine): Active thyroid hormone.

Free T4 (Thyroxine): Main thyroid hormone.

Total T3: Total amount of triiodothyronine in the blood.

Total T4: Total amount of thyroxine in the blood.

Anti-Thyroglobulin: Antibody Indicates autoimmune thyroid disease.

FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone):  Regulates reproductive processes.

LH (Luteinizing Hormone):  Regulates reproductive processes.

Estradiol (E2): Main form of estrogen.

Progesterone: Hormone involved in menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

Prolactin: Hormone that promotes milk production.

Beta HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): Hormone produced during pregnancy.

Total Testosterone: Total amount of testosterone in the blood.

Free Testosterone: Active form of testosterone.

DHEA-SO4 (Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate): Hormone involved in the production of sex hormones.

Cortisol: Stress hormone.

Insulin: Hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH): Regulates calcium levels in the blood.  

Anti - TPO: Indicates autoimmune thyroid disease.

17 OH Progesterone: Hormone involved in the synthesis of cortisol.

Androstenedione: Precursor to sex hormones.

Testosterone (TP:) Total testosterone.

Thyroglobulin (Tg): Protein produced by the thyroid gland.

Vanilmandelic Acid (VMA): Breakdown product of catecholamines, indicates adrenal gland function.

Selenium: Essential mineral for various bodily functions.

 C-Peptide (Fasting): Indicates insulin production. 

Serotonin: Neurotransmitter, affects mood and behavior.

Protein C Activity: Protein involved in blood clotting.

25 OH Vitamin D3: Indicates vitamin D levels.

Growth Hormone: Hormone that stimulates growth and cell reproduction.


 AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein): Tumor marker, also used in prenatal screening. 

CA 125: Tumor marker, associated with ovarian cancer.

CA 15-3: Tumor marker, associated with breast cancer.

CA 19-9: Tumor marker, associated with pancreatic cancer.

Total PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen): Tumor marker, associated with prostate cancer.

Free PSA: Measures unbound PSA, helps in prostate cancer diagnosis.

PAP (Prostatic Acid Phosphatase): Tumor marker, associated with prostate cancer.


Anti HBs (Quantitative Test): Indicates immunity to hepatitis B.

  HBs Ag (Quantitative Test): Detects hepatitis B surface antigen. 

Anti HBc IgM: Indicates recent hepatitis B infection.

Anti HBc IgG: Indicates past or chronic hepatitis B infection.  

Anti HAV IgM: Indicates recent hepatitis A infection.

Anti HAV IgG:  Indicates past hepatitis A infection or immunity.

Anti HCV (Quantitative Test): Detects hepatitis C virus.

Anti HIV (Quantitative Test): Detects HIV infection.